Friday, August 12, 2011

Is My HVAC System Energy Efficient?

In modern times of economic struggle, everyone has to pinch pennies and find a way to save a buck however possible. Cutting out the things you don't need is easy: going out to eat, cable TV and lavish vacations.  However, the things you do need are a bit harder, but saving can be accomplished.  Today’s mantra is also to be eco-friendly as well, so everyone knows how to be more energy efficient through using Energy Star light bulbs, keeping the lights turned off when not in the room and taking shorter showers.  Another inevitable part of our modern lives is having an HVAC system in the home or office, especially in places that have extreme temperatures.  Did you know that your HVAC system can be optimized to be energy (and economically) efficient as well? 

Is one part of the building or home warmer or colder than the other?  Does the building take forever to reach its goal temperature?  If so, chances are your HVAC system is not energy efficient.  The use of balancing valves enables a balanced water flow in your HVAC system.   An imbalanced water flow will cause one side of the house/building’s circuit system to draw more than enough hot or cold water through its side, leaving very little for the other half.  An imbalance in the flow can create not only discomfort from the discrepancy in indoor temperatures from room to room, but is an enormous drain on your wallet from all the extra energy and water being spent.  Measuring device balancing valves, such as the supply ball or SB valve, attached to each water terminal will regulate the water running through the circuits.  With its pressure/temperature test port, flow problems can easily be identified by attaching a gauge and the valves can be calibrated to control temperature and pressure.  By keeping your home or office HVAC system balanced, it runs optimum level, 
using only the resources that it needs.    

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