Building a wall of trees can considerably reduce the amount of noise pollution in an outdoor area. The key to a successful block of trees is to fill in the open space through which sound waves pass completely with tall trees, shrubs, and other vegetation.
1. Build a framework of pines. Plant tall evergreen trees, like pines and spruces, all around the edges of the property. Their thick branches and dense needles absorb sound, and because they survive the winter the residents will still have some degree of noise protection during cold weather.
2. Fill in gaps with a variety of leafy plants. Using deciduous trees, shrubs, and plants to fill in the framework formed by the evergreens softens the look of the yard and fills in the openings between the branches. Choose leafy trees and plants of varying heights to fill in the “tree fence” completely, and select the species of plants carefully. Using perennial plants that aren’t too fickle about their growing location will ensure that the homeowner doesn’t need to replant their barrier every spring. You can also “spot-reduce” noisier sections of the property (such as areas in front of a loud machine or the corner adjacent to a noisy neighbor’s yard) with large trees. Select trees with canopies spanning the appropriate height.
3. Get creative with existing structures. Block out noise along a fence without reducing the open area of the yard by planting thick vines to run along the post. Unless the fence is quite high, this won’t be as effective as using trees – but it’s charming and a great supplement when one section of the property is fenced.