Monday, September 12, 2011

Car Rental: Saving Money and Being Eco-Friendly at the Same Time

How you drive can either increase or decrease the vehicle's fuel efficiency and your gas costs. The amount of fuel used in the car will determine the impact on the environment.  Consider these simple tips that can add up to savings and maintain natural resources.
  • Choose the Right Vehicle: drive one that gets better gas mileage whenever possible.
  • Curb road rage: Speeding, rapid acceleration and rapid braking can lower gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds. Drivers can save up to 240 gallons of gasoline, or up to $913, by driving sensibly on the highway.
  • Drive sensibly:  Around town, sensible driving can save 5% – up to 24 gallons of gasoline and up to $91.
  • Turn Down the Air. Operating the air conditioner on "Max" can reduce mpg by 5 – 25% compared to not using it.
  • Decrease Your Speed. Speeding costs! Gas mileage usually decreases rapidly above 60 mph. Each five miles per hour over 60 mph is like paying an additional 24 cents per gallon for gas.
  • Combine errands/trips. If you combine errands into one trip, you drive fewer miles and use less fuel. Several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as a longer, multipurpose trip when the engine is warmed up and efficient.
  • Use the Overdrive Gear. If available, use your vehicle‘s overdrive gear to reduce engine speed, which will enable you to save gas and reduce engine wear.
  • Use Cruise Control. Cruise control cuts fuel consumption by maintaining a steady speed during highway driving.
  • Request the Right Rental. Request a vehicle that gets better fuel economy, and remember to fill up the tank before returning the car to the rental company, which charges much higher gas prices – and perhaps even an extra gas surcharge.
For more information on saving money and gas with alquiler de autos en Buenos Aires, visit local car rental company Street Rent a Car online.


  1. Alquiler un auto en Buenos Aires realmente tiene muchos beneficios

  2. I believe that car rental is an extremely good option. Usually, travelling with a car is difficult and tiring so renting seems to be a great choice for you to be able to move around in a big city like Milan or others without having to spend too much money. The same thing happens with accommodation. If you don’t want to waste money and time in hotels, you should definitely rent a place to stay. I had this experience when I travelled to Argentina and rented a temporary apartment for rent in buenos aires. At first I had doubts; however the service was so good that I ended up having the most wonderful time.
